Exploration full
cycle solutions
Provide geological analysis, exploration area design, field data acquisition, core analysis, geophysical data inversion and interpretation of the whole process of technical services
  • Mineral exploration

    The core team of GSAI has rich experience in mineral exploration, and has made many prospecting breakthroughs in the exploration of chromite, gold, copper, lead zinc, antimony and other minerals. Based on the advanced geophysical instruments provided by the company and the strong anti-interference ability in complex backgrounds, the company's geophysical equipment can obtain high-quality geophysical data.

  • Groundwater exploration

    GSAI has electrical and electromagnetic instruments to support efficient groundwater exploration. This includes a variety of devices such as portable transient electromagnetic instrument (GSTEM), spread spectrum IP instrument(GS2IP), and audio magnetotelluric instrument (GSEM, which supports AMT and CSAMT). Geological and geophysical models have been established for all kinds of groundwater exploration, including karst water, fissure water and formation water, which has the ability to quickly and efficiently carry out groundwater exploration in complex geological environment and disturbed environment.

  • Geothermal exploration

    The electric and electromagnetic methods are sensitive to heat storage. The spread spectrum IP and IoT electromagnetic developed by GSAI are particularly suitable for geothermal exploration. Based on the Internet of Things, cloud computing, 4G/5G and other advanced technologies, it can not only realize the rapid and efficient exploration of geothermal resources in the strong electromagnetic interference area, but also realize the long-term dynamic monitoring of geothermal production.

  • Goaf exploration

    GSAI can provide SSIP, TEM, Internet of Things electromagnetic, coded source electromagnetic method and their combination for goaf exploration according to the actual situation. It can realize the fine exploration of the goaf from the surface to 2000 meters.