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The spread spectrum IP has been successfully explored in Henan copper and molybdenum deposit, which effectively distinguishes the ore and non-ore anomalies

来源: 2024-03-27

In a copper and molybdenum mine area in Henan Province, the terrain is complicated and the shallow pyrite is developed, which is the difficulty in the exploration of this project. The project implemented the spread spectrum IP sounding, the exploration results found that there is low resistance in the ore body, but there is no ore body in many low resistance areas; Many non-ore-induced anomalies unrelated to copper-molybdenum deposits, such as shallow pyrite halos and skarn ore bodies, have been found in low frequency IP response. Using the medium frequency IP response, it is found that the IP anomalies caused by shallow pyrite halos and skarn ore bodies are greatly weakened than usual, while the IP anomalies caused by porphyry ore bodies are greatly enhanced, and the abnormal range is basically the same as the ore body range. It is verified that the deep porphyry copper and molybdenum ore bodies are found, of which the molybdenum resources are up to 100,000 tons, with a potential economic value of more than 20 billion yuan.


Resistivity inversion profile: there is low resistance in the ore body, but there is no ore body in many low resistance areas


Polarizability inversion profile: shallow IP becomes weaker, the IP anomalies caused by porphyry ore bodies are greatly enhanced, and the abnormal range is basically consistent with the range of ore bodies