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The spread spectrum IP has been successfully explored in a lead-zinc mine, which effectively distinguishes the ore and carbon layers

来源: 2024-03-27

The spectrum response of lead-zinc ore and carbon layer samples in a mining area shows that the lower the frequency, the stronger the response, while the higher the frequency of carbon layer, the stronger the response. There are significant differences in spectral IP responses between dense massive lead-zinc ore and carbonaceous porphyry, so the IP anomalies of lead-zinc ore and carbonaceous layer can be distinguished by different frequency IP responses.


a Spectral response of lead-zinc ore specimens                                  b Spectral response of carbon stratified specimens

Under the ultra-long period (256s) excitation, the IP response of large-scale dense massive lead-zinc ore body is greatly enhanced, and the IP response of carbon layer is suppressed. Under the excitation of conventional IP frequency (0.25Hz), there is almost no IP response of large-scale dense massive lead-zinc ore body, and the IP response of carbon layer is very strong, which is consistent with the measured spectral IP response of specimen.


The frequency is 1/256Hz spread spectrum IP relative phase inversion profile


The frequency is 1/4Hz spread spectrum IP relative phase inversion profile