News Center

The 6th International IP Workshop

来源: 2022-05-03

The 6th International IP Workshop will be held from 27 to 30 June 2022 in Annecy (Haute-Savoie), France. The conference will be held at the Royal Palace on Lake Annecy.

The conference was held in honor of Conrad Schlumberger, Celebrating his 1920 publication in French (Etude sur la Prospection electrique du Sous-sol) and translated into English (Study regarding electrical prospection of the The 100th anniversary of the seminal work on underground electric exploration (+2). This book contains the first quantitative description of Induced polarization (IP).

GSAI Geophysics plans to sponsor this conference to exchange our latest achievements with international colleagues, and will also bring first-hand international cutting-edge information. Please look forward to it.


Conference Organizing Committee:

A. Revil (andre.revil[at]

D. Jougnot (damien.jougnot[at]

M. Halisch (matthias.halisch[at]

J. Deparis (j.deparis[at]

