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GSAI participated in the 6th National Conference of Ore Field Structure and Deep Prospecting Prediction in 2023

来源: 2023-04-19

From April 14 to 17, sponsored by the Geological Society of China, the 6th National Conference of Ore Field Structure and Deep Prospecting Prediction was held in Changsha, Hunan Province. The conference, under the theme of "Utilizing the advantages of mineral field structure to help mine prospecting and breakthrough strategic action", to promote the theoretical study of mineral field structure and the development &. innovation of deep mineral prospecting. More than 500 experts and scholars from all over the country participated in the conference, including GSAI Co., Ltd. and other instrument manufacturers.


Prof. Xing Shuwen, Director of Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Prof. Li Jiancheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Central South University, Prof. Chen Songling, President of Geological Society of Hunan Province, delivered speeches on behalf of the organizing committee. He Jishan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Hou Zengqian, Xiao Wenjiao, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and other 9 academician experts delivered academic reports at the conference.


This seminar had 9 special topics and 1 youth forum, focusing on four main areas: First, it focused on basic theory, experiment and quantitative research of ore field structure, discussed generalized fracture activity criteria, tectonic-fluid dynamics, numerical simulation of element enrichment and precipitation mechanism, three-dimensional geological modeling and quantitative of ore field structure. Second, focused on tectono-magmatism, basin tectonic evolution and other mineralization (accumulation), discussed the magmatic cu-ni ore, tungsten-tin ore and other mineralization, sedimentary basin oil-gas formation process, uranium mineralization; The third is to focus on the application and technical methods of structural prospecting of ore field, discussed the analysis of ore field structure, deposit location mechanism, tectonic geochemistry, tectonic-alteration lithography and prospecting technology, deep exploration and prospecting breakthrough, etc. Fourth, focused on the discovery and training of young talents, focused on the core theme of structure and metallogenic (Tibetan), displayed the scientific research achievements of outstanding young talents.



Inside field of the 6th National Conference of Ore Field Structure and Deep Prospecting Prediction



Academician He Jishan gave an academic report

This conference has been the majority of scientific research institutes, universities and geological prospecting units of the country's positive response. The conference was organized by the Geomechanics Committee of the Geological Society of China and the Tectonic Geology and Geodynamics Committee of the Geological Society of China, Central South University and the Institute of Geomechanics of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.



Conference presentation


GSAI (Changsha) Co., LTD., with the company's advanced instruments appeared in this conference. The instruments on display at the conference include: GSZA-FW01 full-waveform intelligent impedance analyzer for rock and ore specimens, GSEM-W10 wide-band magnetotellurism imaging system, GS2IP large-depth high-density spread spectrum IP imaging system; At the same time, the gravity, magnetic, ground and electrical inversion interpretation software such as GESM-PROS intelligent anti-interference magnetotelluric impedance software, ZondMT2D, TEM2D, Res2D/3D etc. were introduced.


GSAI booth


As a supplier of electromagnetic instruments and a one-stop solution service provider for resource exploration, the products of GSAI have attracted the attention of universities and geological prospecting units, among which Baoding Zhaofeng has made inquiries and promotion expectations for the overseas promotion of GSAI products.


Henan Geology and Mining Research Institute has put forward a series of interesting questions about the construction mode, prospecting effect and the realization principle of remote measurement and control of Internet of things of our company's spread spectrum IP instrument.


Shandong Mining Bureau seven brigade consulted our spread spectrum IP equipment to find molybdenum mine in dertails.









Experts in the booth to consult our company's products